
Junior Club

The Junior club format is a follows:

  • 5:30pm – 5:50pm: small mini-lesson (if the club president can be there on that day)
  • 5:50pm – 6:30pm: Two rounds at 10mins per side, submitted for Queensland Junior ratings. Parents should allow for some overflow to 6:40pm.
  • Parents should stay at the venue for the duration.

Open Club

  • 7:00pm – 7:30pm: Casual chess and registration
  • 7:30pm – 9:30pm: 5 round rapid at 10mins+2secs per side. All games submitted for Queensland Junior ratings.
  • Players should allow for some overflow to 10pm
  • Events following different formats, such as club championships, club lightning championships, etc. will be announced throughout the year.